Top Knots and Chokers
/Get this look
Dress Diane Von Furstenburg , Necklace Nasty Gal
Tired from a long day? Too exhausted to socialize? This was me for a long time. But recently I decided it was important for me to make more of an effort to be there for my friends. Friends I've had for years but haven't seen and for building new relationships with new moms. But getting ready to go out can be so exhausting and makes canceling look very appealing. Well, I've tried out some new trends that are all the rage and I've used them to my advance for making this tired mom look ready for a night out!
I started out by picking a pretty aqua off the shoulder dress from last summer when I was pregnant (its not maternity but its flowy and comfy)... Stick to something you know you'll feel good in. Then all you have to do it snaz it up!
1. Top Knot - My hair was a MESS and I really had no time to shower and wash/dry/style so I threw it up in to a top knot. This look is super stylish right now. And totally works for the tired mom. It takes just second and works for any hair type.
* Start with a high pony tail on the top of your head. Then instead of twisting the hair into a bun, you just start to wrap the pony tail around itself. Secure the wrapped hair with a neutral colored hair tie or bobbie pins. I also like to pull out a couple pieces around my ears to look a little messy.
2. Choker - Then I paired this look with a gold choker necklace I recently bought on Nasty Gal. A necklace always looks great when the hair is pulled back. And chokers are super stylist at the moment. But try sticking to something that is simple, sleek and sophisticated. And doesn't look like you are trying too hard.
This look took me about 5 min to pull off. And made it look like I took forever getting ready.
Try this on your next night out!