Growing Up Gracie Series... "Gracie and the Lost Christmas Gift"
/Pajamas by
Typically, we read at least 20 minutes every night. I love how it calms the kids and gets them ready for bed. I also love when I find the older kids snuggled up on the couch together reading their night-time stories while I'm getting the baby to bed.
Tonight we sat down and read the most incredible holiday story by the Growing Up Gracie Series.
The author, Chelsea Triola, told me that she always wanted to write a children's book so she can reach young minds and well, Christmas is her favorite time of year! So with that, she created this beautiful story about little Gracie and the lost Christmas Gift. It teaches the importance of giving during the holidays.
The book captures the essence of the holiday season and all the mayhem. Follow Gracie and her mom on a shopping trip where they stumble upon a holiday crisis. They make their way through the crowded Christmas chaos to complete an important mission that could save someone's holiday!
I just loved watching my kids as they engaged in this modern Christmas tale.